Monday, October 5, 2009


Right after we've completed the video, there was a sigh of relief and a small celebration of accomplishment.  We were so excited to watching the entire video for the very first time and we liked it!  After all, we poured our heart, time and sweat (okay, not really sweat... it was a cold night) into composing this.  It was like a crash course in PhotoShop, Magix, and and some other editing tools.  It definitely took longer than expected and made me appreciate what film makers do. 

But, after watching the video a second, third, fourth... times, there are more and more things I want to change about it.  I realized our original idea didn't completely get translated into the video.  The good news is, there's plenty of room for improvement and made me realized it isn't as easy as it looks.   There's so much we have to learn!  We will continue to play with the tools and hopefully, our next video will be better and more enjoyable.  Thanks, everyone for your support!

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing how much time and energy is involved with creating a video, especially when it's personal. Regardless if you think your original idea was translated correctly or not, due to the nature of the personal touch, it's sure to please.
