Sunday, September 27, 2009

More Development

My friends and I decided to expand this project to more than a personal video; we will try to make this into a hobby and hopefully some day provide this service to other people for a nominal fee.  As briefly mentioned in my previous blog, our target audience will be people who want an affordable short video about their relationship, pet, or a special events as a gift or simply as a memento!  We are going to compose some sample videos first as advertising tools.  But we need your help in providing us some advice about  --- what you think will help us succeed?  What will make you purchase our service? 
I was browsing through some articles the other day and came across an article about how to promote your videos:

I thought it was very informative and I will definitely implement some of these methods when we complete our test videos. -- Does anyone else think these methods will work?  Or have any better ideas?


  1. My brother directed a music video last year to promote the movie he produced with a local artist in LA.

    Check it out. His name is Stanley Yung. He's one of my friends on Facebook, so feel free to send him a message. I'm sure he knows a lot about video editing.

  2. Thanks, Stephen, I'll definitely do that! It'll be great to get some guidance as a newcomer.

  3. Hi Carrie,

    While that service would very much be appreciated by those not comfortable with a computer, just be cautious about the growing number of easy-to-use video editting packages that will compete with your service. I recently purchased Cyberlink's PowerDirector and it's awesome. I am putting together a DVD for my buddies from our last trip together and it's a hoot.

    Good luck with your project!

  4. I think showcasing your talent and getting the word out there about your service is the best way. Word of mouth is so effective. I would create some samples so you can display your work. Good luck!

  5. Thanks everyone for your advice! I have created a sample. It's definitely harder than I thought, but have to start somewhere. Practice, practice, practice!
